Endless Summer Collection

Fashions for summer pleasures. The newest collection: inspired by timeless designs from the era of 60’s fashion and surf culture. This collection is the first release of unique, handmade men’s and women’s lounge and swimwear.

Chad Doyle made a post a while back that I will never forget commemorating the women in surfing. He wrote, “This one is for the ladies... In a sport historically dominated by males, the female aspect is often forgotten, or just plain ignored. The hard-earned accomplishments, contributions to surfing, and monumental milestones are often underappreciated or overlooked. These women CHANGED the sport. Women that broke down doors. Women that imprinted and influenced surf history. Women that inspired millions. Women that proved things to the world, and male counterparts. 

These highlighted women earned their well-deserved places in the history books. If you’re a local surfer, worth your salt, take the time to understand and recognize why they are so worthy of admiration... it’s really radical. This is just a post to refresh your minds and share some simple accomplishments these amazing women are credited for. Just a post to remind you of what’s possible. Just a post to spark some emotions of pride. Enjoy! 

@mimimunro @zambaglobalsurf @andersenlisa -GR” 

What I hope to do with this collection and as a creator is to pay my respects to the women before me and continue to inspire them radically. Each piece in this collection pays homage to these incredible women, women who I’ve looked up to as a young girl growing up surfing and as a girl chasing her dreams.


Designer's Wardobe


Girls on Film